Wednesday, 20 February 2013

What if people were allready altered before birth

Scenario 1
In this world some kinds of DNA manipulation are legal. The rules slightly differ in different countries. But the basic is that you can only use DNA manipulation to make people better. And you may never change more than 1% of the DNA this is to contain the human race and make sure we can still reproduce. 
In the beginning people in the western countries were just using DNA manipulation to remove any genetic defects like diseases. Than china and India population exploded. Rules had to change. So now you have to get a licence to have a child and you can only have one. Getting children became something for the rich. Population plummeted. In 2150 only 4 billion people are left. We have solved the food problem for now and al work is done by machines. People start to get bored.
When people are bored they tend to argue and fight. But instead of war they put their energy in Sports. Rules change because not everybody has the same kind of manipulations. The rules are bended for these super athletes. People want them to get better and more extreme. People in general are starting to change in appearance. They are getting bigger en bigger heads but smaller jaws, our heads are starting to look alien.

Scenario 2
In this world countries get very secret over their research and they all try to create super humans. Because every manipulation is promoted with propaganda you get 2 groups in most countries: the ones that take everything they can get, and the ones that aren’t that easy convinced by governments.
Then in 2100 all hell breaks loose. It is becoming more and more clear that the excessive DNA manipulations made people sterile. DNA manipulation becomes illegal and for some time normal people rule the world and all is good. But then the hunger for improving upon humankinds becomes stronger again. And cyborgs are becoming more and more normal.
In 2150 more than half of the world population is a cyborg. And although it is strictly forbidden in most countries to ad or change something in the brain secret research facilities are doing test for transporting the human soul to a computer brain….

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