Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The population of the future.

Here are some small destcription and our thought of the different groups of people their will be in the future. Because people all have different values and morals they will evolve in different kinds of humans. 

Group 1 (Future Farmers)

They want to be pure humans without modifications. They live as farmer's and the most of them are vegetarians. You can probable call them the hippies of that future.

Group 2 (Lazy people)
They don’t want to alter their own body but do want the advantages of modern technology. They will operate surrogates who will live their lives for them. 

Group 3 (old fashioned)
They will only use technical options because they believe the human DNA should stay pure. 

Group 4 (Scientists)
They will alter their DNA to become super humans but they will only use human DNA they also don’t want to use technology.

Group 5  
They will use any available DNA modification animal’s plants as long as it is in some way natural. They won’t use technology they aim to create one super race to live on earth.

Group 6 (Athletics and Geeks)

They will take whatever they can to be the best they can be.

Group 7 (poor people)
They are genetically altered to be able to live on the moon and Mars. They also have an artificial shell instead of skin to protect them from the local environment. It’s not pleasant to live there jet the people in this group are sent there to build a world that is suitable for wealthy life. In the year 2150 they start to create these new worlds because it’s clear that the earth can’t be saved. While the circumstances on the moon and Mars get better, they get worse on earth.

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