Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Brain Manipulation

Scenario 1.

The brain is down or upgraded when the baby is still a foetus. So there is a very thin line of super humans and a big majority of dumber humans.
A 5 year old super human is much smarter than a 40 year old ‘normal human’ this gives them the advantage to control and suppress the big crowd. But there is a small rebellion group that wants to overthrow this inhuman idea of evolution.

The big group ‘dumber humans’ don’t know that they are controlled. So they work and breed unknowing that they are not working for them selves.

Scenario 2.

The brain is transformed to an ‘open platform’. You can ad hardware and download software like a computer. Due to the upcoming technology of NANO cells, this can be done by simply drinking a soda that you can buy on the corner of the street.

Still if you have money you are in a big advantage on a productive and energetic level.

Your thoughts and memories can be downloaded and saves for eternity. This gives you an idea of living forever. This information can later be used to implant it in a cyborg body. So you can ‘live’ after you die. But are you still human and do you still have ‘human rights’? Your body is made of steel and computer chips, but your brain is yours where do you draw the line and is it justified for the people that are living now, don’t you have to make place for them and let them also have a change?

But what if we are all connected by computers, and a digital virus invades our body’s that deletes our personalities. We all become brainless zombies. When you look into the eyes you see a grey colour that has zero life in it.

Life in the/ a MATRIX

We all know the movie “Matrix” and the story to it, the world is ruled by machine, which are using the humans as batteries. But the human’s doesn´t even know that they are used because they are sleeping and living their “lives” in their dreams.

Well in general, this is just a general idea of a world model. But to be clear, not the machines necessarily need to run the world, it could be as well animals or species from a planet.

The most important thing is that in this idea, humans are not really manipulated, by genes or by replacing body parts with technique.

In this world, a species will take over the lead and it will use the humans as they have used animals and technique before. So humans are not any longer self deciding, in dependent creatures but you could say they are the slaves or even the energy sources for another species. So in fact if that other specie decides to get more out of the humans or if they want to make them more obedient they will probably do gene manipulation or add mechanical parts to their bodies.

So in this world there is a clear hierarchy, the highest instance is the head of the other species, then comes the rest of the other species and at one point on the end of the line there are the humans, under pressed and used by the other species.

How they manage to keep the humans down? Probably by drugging them or by connecting them to machines or by brain manipulation so the humans don’t even realize that they are used.

If the ruling race are animals, probably they won’t have any mercy with the humans because why would they? A lot of animals are used or more abused by humans these days, just think about meat farms. And also most kinds of animals have been hunted and slaughtered by humans so why should they tread us any different?

If we were ruled by specie coming from a different planet there are many possibilities how they would like to treat us who knows?

For machines for sure they will also try to keep the humans low, since human kind created them they will be afraid all the time they will be taken down by them again, no matter how powerful they will get, since what created you will probably always find a way to destroy you.

So in that world, machines for sure would manipulate the human’s brain to make the dump workers or put the humans under some kind of medication to make sure they won’t be any trouble.

What if people were allready altered before birth

Scenario 1
In this world some kinds of DNA manipulation are legal. The rules slightly differ in different countries. But the basic is that you can only use DNA manipulation to make people better. And you may never change more than 1% of the DNA this is to contain the human race and make sure we can still reproduce. 
In the beginning people in the western countries were just using DNA manipulation to remove any genetic defects like diseases. Than china and India population exploded. Rules had to change. So now you have to get a licence to have a child and you can only have one. Getting children became something for the rich. Population plummeted. In 2150 only 4 billion people are left. We have solved the food problem for now and al work is done by machines. People start to get bored.
When people are bored they tend to argue and fight. But instead of war they put their energy in Sports. Rules change because not everybody has the same kind of manipulations. The rules are bended for these super athletes. People want them to get better and more extreme. People in general are starting to change in appearance. They are getting bigger en bigger heads but smaller jaws, our heads are starting to look alien.

Scenario 2
In this world countries get very secret over their research and they all try to create super humans. Because every manipulation is promoted with propaganda you get 2 groups in most countries: the ones that take everything they can get, and the ones that aren’t that easy convinced by governments.
Then in 2100 all hell breaks loose. It is becoming more and more clear that the excessive DNA manipulations made people sterile. DNA manipulation becomes illegal and for some time normal people rule the world and all is good. But then the hunger for improving upon humankinds becomes stronger again. And cyborgs are becoming more and more normal.
In 2150 more than half of the world population is a cyborg. And although it is strictly forbidden in most countries to ad or change something in the brain secret research facilities are doing test for transporting the human soul to a computer brain….

Thursday, 14 February 2013

A world of Body Manipulation

The human will rice with the thought that every body part can be replaced a new bionic one. Only the brain can’t be replaced because of it need.

The manipulation will start when you are fully grown, with in exception paralyzed people and top-class sports.

There will arise two groups of people.

The first group:
Will see the benefits in getting a new body part and will not wait long for a new one.

The second group:
Will only take a new body-part when there own part is wore out of old age of is damaged because of a accident.

Their will be know paralyzed people on the world anymore. This generation don’t even know the word.

There will be a big marked of selling and installing body-part. And the top brands will be lead by big sportswear companies. Gadgets like memory and communication hardware is integrated in the parts.

Because of the amount of people these day bicycles and motorbike will be vanished. Everybody runs to their work, school or hobby.
The first group of people will immediately take bionic legs when the are grown.
The second group and the kids will have bionic leg skeletons that support you legs from the outside.

The running speed limits.
  • ·      Adults – 60km/h and higher.
  • ·     Age 12-18 – 45km/h
  • ·      Age 6-12 – 30km/h
  • ·      Age 0-6 – 15km/h
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The people will have more hobby’s because they can work faster en better with the bionic body-part. And more and more people have more jobs at ones.

But there gone be some problems. Some of the parent decide to give their children new body part when the aren’t fully grown. The bionic part will not grow with the child so the body coalescence. It start to grow in a wrong way. And you will get al kind of strange deformed people.

Wednesday, 6 February 2013

The time of Manipulation.

At which time will the genetic manipulation happen? At your birth or even before? Or at the age of 18 when you are fully grown?

1. It could be that in the future, those humans are not necessary anymore to get new humans, but we will be all made in a laboratory/ factory. So of curse in that case, the manipulation takes place in the very beginning. Also the word family won’t exist anymore since after being created and “born” the children will grow up in a another kind of factory where they are thought the things they will need later on.

2. A another idea is, because of religious, ethnical or idealistic reasons humans will stay like they are until they reached their full age and then can decide them self’s if they want to be genetically manipulated or not and in which form. And of curse humans who had an accident will be “repaired” by gene manipulation or technical addition.

3. A another idea is, that the whole humans are getting manipulated, maybe in different ways, and when they get babies there will be a different kind of hybrid.

4. A another idea could be the idea from Matrix, that humans won’t be manipulated at all in their outlook but they don’t really exist anymore, they are used by the race of the machines.

The population of the future.

Here are some small destcription and our thought of the different groups of people their will be in the future. Because people all have different values and morals they will evolve in different kinds of humans. 

Group 1 (Future Farmers)

They want to be pure humans without modifications. They live as farmer's and the most of them are vegetarians. You can probable call them the hippies of that future.

Group 2 (Lazy people)
They don’t want to alter their own body but do want the advantages of modern technology. They will operate surrogates who will live their lives for them. 

Group 3 (old fashioned)
They will only use technical options because they believe the human DNA should stay pure. 

Group 4 (Scientists)
They will alter their DNA to become super humans but they will only use human DNA they also don’t want to use technology.

Group 5  
They will use any available DNA modification animal’s plants as long as it is in some way natural. They won’t use technology they aim to create one super race to live on earth.

Group 6 (Athletics and Geeks)

They will take whatever they can to be the best they can be.

Group 7 (poor people)
They are genetically altered to be able to live on the moon and Mars. They also have an artificial shell instead of skin to protect them from the local environment. It’s not pleasant to live there jet the people in this group are sent there to build a world that is suitable for wealthy life. In the year 2150 they start to create these new worlds because it’s clear that the earth can’t be saved. While the circumstances on the moon and Mars get better, they get worse on earth.